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Jan 6 ‘Bullhorn Man’ May Be Claiming Insanity

An alleged January 6 rioter known to investigators as “Bullhorn Man” may be contemplating an insanity defense.
Trevor Brown of Novi, Michigan, had agreed to a bench trial on charges of breaching the Capitol.
Brown allegedly boasted on social media that he was the man with a bullhorn encouraging others to push past police lines.
Newsweek sought email comment from Brown’s attorney on Thursday.
Brown has pleaded not guilty to five charges: obstructing law enforcement during civil disorder; knowingly entering or remaining in any restricted building or grounds without lawful authority, disorderly and disruptive conduct in a restricted building, violent entry and disorderly conduct and parading, and demonstrating or picketing in a Capitol building.
On January 6, 2022, a mob of Donald Trump supporters stormed the U.S. Capitol building in Washington, D.C., to stop the certification of Joe Biden’s election win. The riot erupted following claims from Trump that the election was stolen via widespread voter fraud.
Brown’s lawyers filed a document on Tuesday explaining to Judge Colleen Kollar-Kotelly that their client will know soon whether he will enter an insanity plea.
They wrote that, by the next status hearing on September 3, “Defendant will know for certain and inform the court whether he intends to assert an insanity defense and if so, a report will be prepared and ready for production to the court and the government by that date.”
Brown has already met with a mental health assessor and may need a second meeting, as well as additional mental health documentation, his lawyers state in the filing.
Department of Justice evidence submitted in court include photos allegedly showing Brown holding a bullhorn among a hardcore group that were trying to push their way past police who were guarding a tunnel in the Capitol building.
Video footage convinced police that Brown was the “bullhorn man” from the photos. He had been arrested and released on January 6 and was rearrested at his Michigan home.
The criminal complaint against him states that screenshots from on his Facebook and “TrevaaBrown” Instagram account “include posts indicating his participation in the riots, including breaching the Capitol building.”
“One post made on the evening of January 6, 2021, stated, ‘The world is a stage & Jiu jitsu saved my life many times tonight.'” the criminal complaint states.
Another screenshot of a video taken from inside the Capitol’s lower west terrace that Brown allegedly posted to a separate Instagram account has the caption, “I May or May not know who’s on the PA screaming ‘HEEVE HO'”—an alleged reference to his use of a bullhorn to encourage others.
A Facebook post made by “Trevor Brown” on January 7, 2021, states: “We the people need one more solid rally like this and CONgress will be forced to bow and be thrown out for not representing the will of the people and charged with crimes against humanity.”
Another Facebook post by “Trevor Brown” made at 1:53 AM on January 7, 2021, stated, in part, the following: This has nothing to do with Trump or Biden. People should be storming that Brothel we call the Capitol everyday for what goes on in there. It’s a Brothel and they sell you out everyday. Everyday.”
“Defendant is seen outside the Lower West Terrace of the Capitol building, assisting fellow rioters by pushing their way into the tunnel,” prosecutors state in their criminal complaint.
They allege that Brown was “shouting into a bullhorn,” and grabbing and holding up a riot shield while two rioters stepped onto it.
“Defendant was also among the few rioters who, after pushing to the front of the mob, succeeded in breaking through the police line in the tunnel,” prosecutors allege in their court filing.
On January 7, 2022, he allegedly wrote on Facebook: “We the people need one more solid rally like this and CONgress will be forced to bow and be thrown out for not representing the will of the people and charged with crimes against humanity.”
In three other Facebook posts, he allegedly also wrote: “Who knew the first time I’d go to DC I’d be storming the Capitol. –and make it in …”; “I made it into the Capitol. I almost died getting in but I made it.”; and “I am the First person to breach the White House in 200 years.”
